* @module api/Client
* @category API
* @description Module exporting an instance of the NHSTA class.
* > - For more information, see the documentation for the [NHTSA](module-api_NHTSA-NHTSA.html) class.
import { NHTSA } from './NHTSA';
* A new instance of the [NHTSA](module-api_NHTSA-NHTSA.html) class.
* @type {NHTSA}
* @example <caption>Node bundle</caption>
* const { Client } = require('@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper');
* // Decode a VIN and return get a response of type ApiResponse
* const response = Client.DecodeVinValues('3VWD07AJ5EM388202').catch(error => error)
* // or get details about a specific manufacturer, plus 23 other available Actions.
* const audiDetails = Client.GetManufacturerDetails('Audi').catch(error => error)
* @example <caption>Browser bundle</caption>
* // Change <version> to specific version number "x.x.xx",
* // or remove <version> completely for the most recently published version
* <script
* type="text/javascript"
* src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper/<version>/dist/bundle.min.js"
* ></script>
* <script type="text/javascript">
* // NHSTA is the global browser window exported by this package
* const Decoder = NHSTA.Client
* const result = Decoder.DecodeVin('3VWD07AJ5EM388202')
* .catch(err => err);
* </script>
* @example <caption>Module - Node lazy loading</caption>
* const { Client } = await import('@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper/dist/module/index.js')
* .catch(err => err);
* const results = await Client.DecodeVin('3VWD07AJ5EM388202')
* .catch(err => err)
* @example <caption>Module - Browser lazy loading</caption>
* <script type="module">
* const { Client } = await import('https://unpkg.com/@shaggytools/nhtsa-api-wrapper/dist/module/index.js')
* .catch(err => err);
* const { Results } = await Client.DecodeVin('3VWD07AJ5EM388202')
* .catch(err => err)
* </script>
const Client: NHTSA = new NHTSA();
export { Client };