Important: This documentation applies to v2 of this package.
For v3 docs see




Implemented by NHTSA.

Extends api/Fetch.Fetch.


# new DecodeVinExtended(userConfigopt)

Name Type Attributes Description
userConfig FetchConfig <optional>

User configuration options to construct the class with.

View Source api/actions/DecodeVinExtended.ts, line 27


# async DecodeVinExtended(vin, paramsopt) → {Promise.<DecodeVinExtendedResponse>}

This is exactly like the DecodeVin method but provides additional information on variables related to other NHTSA programs like NCSA, etc.

  • This will decode the VIN and the decoded output will be made available in the format of Key-value pairs.
  • In the returned 'Results` object:
    • The IDs (VariableID and ValueID) represent the unique ID associated with the Variable/Value.
    • In case of text variables, the ValueID is not applicable.
  • Providing params.modelYear allows for the decoding to specifically be done in the current, or older (pre-1980), model year ranges.
    • It is recommended to always provide params.modelYear if the model year is known at the time of decoding.
  • This Action also supports partial VIN decoding (VINs that are less than 17 characters).
    • In this case, the VIN will be decoded partially with the available characters.
    • In case of partial VINs, a "*" could be used to indicate the unavailable characters.
    • The 9th digit is not necessary.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
vin string

Vehicle Identification Number (full or partial).

params object <optional>

Query Search Parameters to append to the URL.

modelYear string | number <optional>

Optional Model Year search parameter.

View Source api/actions/DecodeVinExtended.ts, line 54

  • Api Response object.